Photos: Robbie Sweeny

Li Chiao-Ping Dance & Collaborators Present:

Here Lies the Truth

(Curated Rental)

Thursday, April 13, 7:30 pm

Friday, April 14, 7:30 pm

Saturday, April 15, 3 pm & 7:30 pm


Here Lies the Truth premiered at the Overture Center for the Arts is Madison, WI in March 2022. The multidisciplinary dance theater is a collaboration between visual artist Douglas Rosenberg, sound designer/composer Tim Russell, dramaturg Cláudia Tatinge Nascimento and choreographer Li Chiao-Ping. The collaborators investigate “truth” as it relates to positionality, power, access and equity. Employing hyperbole, absurdity and raw dance/physical theater, Here Lies the Truth has brought together a powerful cast of dancers from across the county to perform their truths, share their stories and be seen in their identities in radical acts on stage.

Here Lies the Truth complicates the simplistic and simplifies the complex. The essence of this work is grounded in the truths we hold in our bodies: a deep knowing that is felt and sensed. Born from a commitment to telling personal truths, the collaboration has led to the re-examining of narratives put forth by those in power and those put forth by our own biases. We continue to investigate how to cope with such dissonance. With so much laid bare and little sense of justice, as a community of movers we sort through these murky layers of truths, half-truths, and untruths.

In addition to the esteemed collaborators, Here Lies the Truth features guest dance artists including JP Alejandro, Kimi Evelyn, and Elisabeth Roskopf alongside LCPD’s talented company dancers.

LCPD’s work and events are made possible in part by the generous support of Altrusa International of Madison; Fund for Children administered by the Madison Community Foundation; Dane County COVID Relief Fund; Dane County Nonprofit Assistance Fund; Dane County Arts with additional funds from the Endres Mfg. Company Foundation, The Evjue Foundation Inc., charitable arm of The Capital Times, the W. Jerome Frautschi Foundation Inc., and the Pleasant T. Rowland Foundation; University of Wisconsin-Madison Dance Department, the OVCRGE, WARF,  Vilas Trustees, and the School of Education Virginia Horne Henry Fund; Wisconsin Arts Board with funds from the State of Wisconsin and the National Endowment for the Arts; Arts Midwest; National Endowment for the Arts; and LCPD’s Circle of Friends. 

Concept/Direction: Li Chiao-Ping in collaboration with the creative team 

Choreography: Li Chiao-Ping in collaboration with the dancers 

Collaborator/Dramaturg/Vocal Coaching: Cláudia Tatinge Nascimento 

Collaborator/Visual Design: Douglas Rosenberg with Hong Huo (design assistant) 

Other Images: Jacob Li Rosenberg 

Collaborator/Sound Design: Tim Russell 

Texts: JP Alejandro, Kimi Evelyn, Li Chiao-Ping,  Douglas Rosenberg, Elisabeth Roskopf, Cláudia Tatinge Nascimento, and verbatim transcriptions of legal and journalistic testimonies 

Lighting Desig: John Frautschy 

Costumes: Li Chiao-Ping with Veda Manly (costume assistant) 

Dancers: JP Alejandro, Kimi Evelyn, Piper Morgan Hayes, Elisa Hildner, Cassie Last, Cuauhtli Ramirez Castro, Elisabeth Roskopf, with Li Chiao-Ping 

Original cast: Constance Anderson, Alfonso Cervera, Mariel Schneider 

Covid Policy

High-quality masks are required to be worn by audience at all times.